This morning I thought it would be a really cute idea to put my old shoes on Lucy. I've had them sitting in the bookshelf since she was born and she is finally big enough.
My little girl has other ideas. No matter how cute she looked she cried and cried till I took them off.
Not sure what this means for shoe wearing in the future but for now I'm glad she is still crawling.
27 January 2012
25 January 2012
Take you out.
It was my turn to organise the anniversary date this year. I kept it a secret from Myl till we arrived.
I took Myl to the newly opened Jamie's Italian. I think I was more excited than he was. We left Lucy with her granny baby sitter and headed into the city.
We had to wait an hour and a half to get into the restaurant but we were able to walk round the city till our table was ready. Jamie is one popular guy.
We ordered truffle risotto and ricotta and lemon ravioli. It was really tasty. The menu looked really good. I wish I could have ordered a taste of everything.
It was our second alone date in almost ten months. It was lovely to spawn some time with my Myl. It's been such a good three years.
I took Myl to the newly opened Jamie's Italian. I think I was more excited than he was. We left Lucy with her granny baby sitter and headed into the city.
We had to wait an hour and a half to get into the restaurant but we were able to walk round the city till our table was ready. Jamie is one popular guy.
We ordered truffle risotto and ricotta and lemon ravioli. It was really tasty. The menu looked really good. I wish I could have ordered a taste of everything.
It was our second alone date in almost ten months. It was lovely to spawn some time with my Myl. It's been such a good three years.
24 January 2012
three years. you wonderful man.
words cant say
songs cant sing
to tell you how i feel
maybe some day
a hundred years away
you will know what is real
cos we'll be together for a long long time
i'll be yours
and you'll be mine
and i know it'll be alright
cos I love you.
23 January 2012
leaving home
Yesterday was our last Sunday at our church.
We've spent a very lovely four years there learning, making new friends, serving and sharing.
It's been such a big four years.
We moved to the big city in Year One.
We got married in Year Two.
We left uni and Myl started college in Year Three.
We had our little girl in Year Four.
It's been great to be a part of the Barneys family all this time.
We have grown so much.
In love for our new friends and family.
In love for Jesus.
I'm going to miss this family so much.
But the next stage of our life will be pretty exciting too.
Who knows what it will bring?
wow. we are already 23 days into the new year. Time flies when you are having lots of fun. We have been so so busy in our little family and the business doesn't stop. Today we pick up the keys for our new place and tomorrow (our 3 year wedding anniversary) we move in to our new home. I am very excited. But more on that later.
I'm feeling really good about this year. There is nothing like the turn of a year to make you feel fresh and renewed. I've been thinking about the way I'd like to live this year. I'd like to do things differently. I'd like to be more thoughtful about why I do things and how my actions can have bigger consequences. I'm a very different lady to the one who started 2011. We're in a new house a new church and so I thought a new frame of mind is just in order.
So, I'm calling it,
Here's what we are doing.
1. A Year of Joy...again
Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your graciousness be known to everyone. The Lord is near.
Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and
petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses every thought, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:4-7
2. A Year of Being Ethical
She selects wool and flax and works with willing hands. She is like the merchant ships, bringing her food from far away. She rises while it is still night and provides food for her household. She draws on her strength and reveals that her arms are strong. She sees that her profits are good, and her lamp never goes out at night. Her hands reach out to the poor, and she extends her hands to the needy. She makes and sells linen garments; she delivers belts to the merchants. Strength and honor are her clothing,nd she can laugh at the time to come.She watches over the activities of her household and is never idle.
So, In a few months time I will be opening my very own etsy store with lots of little baby crafts. At the moment I'm stockpiling and figuring out how to go about it all.
1. A Year of Joy...again
Source: via Hanna on Pinterest
Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your graciousness be known to everyone. The Lord is near.
Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and
petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses every thought, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:4-7
Some days we get bogged down in "doing life" and forget to just enjoy it. We are forever thinking about what we are doing next, how many hours nap Lucy has had, what we are going to have for dinner. It's usually then that we get really selfish and resentful of each other. Life breaks down and doesn't work. Some days we forget all that and focus on loving one another and being joyful. Not the crazy happy joy that comes with eating ice cream but the gutsy Phillipiansy joy that comes when you know how good life is in all its hardships. I want to live life this year in perspective. Knowing that things suck, things are hard but also that things are so so great. I don't want to spend this year worrying about my appearance or my parenting mad skills. I want to spend it joyfully living and rejoicing in the Lord.
2. A Year of Being Ethical
How can I be joyful at the expense of others?
There are so many people in our world who are being mistreated. It's horrible that things like child slavery are such a part of the creation of products for the west that without it our consumption would look very different. I've always casually said I would only buy fair trade but now I feel like I really need to take action. I think this is something that doesn't happen overnight but something we can be more serious about as a family. So, to start we have agreed to be more considerate with our purchases. Looking at where a product has come from and thinking more about what our support of particular brands may mean. We have decided to buy nothing new (clothes) this year. This means buying second hand or making clothes. We are also going to attempt a veggi garden. I'm going to speak out about more issues that don't sit well with me. The over sexualisation of women in culture for example. I'm going to write letters and sign petitions not just pass my eyes over articles and move on.
3. A Year of Industry.
She selects wool and flax and works with willing hands. She is like the merchant ships, bringing her food from far away. She rises while it is still night and provides food for her household. She draws on her strength and reveals that her arms are strong. She sees that her profits are good, and her lamp never goes out at night. Her hands reach out to the poor, and she extends her hands to the needy. She makes and sells linen garments; she delivers belts to the merchants. Strength and honor are her clothing,nd she can laugh at the time to come.She watches over the activities of her household and is never idle.
Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting,
but a woman who fears the LORD will be praised. Proverbs 31
I saw a this postcard
the other day. It really made me think about what I'm doing with my
life as a mama at home. I'm all for pajama days where all I do is hang
out with my sweet baby girl. I'm all for resting it out and not
overdoing it. I know I can't do everything but I think I can do more.
So, In a few months time I will be opening my very own etsy store with lots of little baby crafts. At the moment I'm stockpiling and figuring out how to go about it all.
All these ideas are works in progress. I'm a human so I'm sure there will be moments of failure along the way. I'm sure I will look back on these posts at the end of my organic year and laugh with 12 months more wisdom at the way I thought about things but for now I'm really excited about the changes we are making. I'm excited to think about living life this year in a way that is honourable and useful.
Happy New Year.
Happy New Year.
19 January 2012
Stuffed capsicum
Made this little recipe up. Caps with rice,pumpkin and tomato. Tasty dinner served up at 9 30 after our little miss teething finally went to sleep.
12 January 2012
Lucy is on the move.
She's been crawling for a little while now but for those of you who haven't/can't see the real thing...
11 January 2012
the beach girl
Lucy had her first trip to the beach on new years eve. Sporting a sweet suncream mohawk we hit the waves at Mollymook.
Despite her face I think she liked it. She kept licking her lips and going "mmm!" Salty!
There was a pretty strong current but Lucy and I caught a few waves. She had a firm hold on my shoulders. We went in when a big wave came and almost knocked me over. That is one new experience I don't need to have. We are learning the joy of suncream, hats and shade. Lucy is a little whitey and needs her sun protection.
I think it was a win. We'll go again.
Despite her face I think she liked it. She kept licking her lips and going "mmm!" Salty!
There was a pretty strong current but Lucy and I caught a few waves. She had a firm hold on my shoulders. We went in when a big wave came and almost knocked me over. That is one new experience I don't need to have. We are learning the joy of suncream, hats and shade. Lucy is a little whitey and needs her sun protection.
I think it was a win. We'll go again.
10 January 2012
a very lucy christmas
Christmas is so much more fun when there is a baby around!
We spent Christmas this year with Myls family.
Cute owl Christmas outfit courtesy of my mama.
baby's first (captured on camera) stand courtesy of L.Bob.
09 January 2012
for granny and waa waa
my mum and dad are Lucys granny and waa waa. Waa waa? It's a long story.
Before Christmas we went to visit them. Lucy really loves her granny and waa waa.
Granny gives Lucy shortbread on arrival.
They have nice morning cuddles and granny sings to her. This calms Lucy down a lot.
Lucy enjoyed some tasty berries from granny and waa waas berry bush.
I think Lucy remembers her granny from when she was first born.

We had a pre-christmas Christmas with my family because we wouldn't get to see them on the 25th. Lucy didn't really take to the roast dinner but she enjoyed her great-nanas shortbread. I think it was the butter.
I'm not sure who they make those christmas cracker party hats for because ours almost fit Lucy and had no hope on the more boof-headed members of the family.
Lucy loves her waa waa.
She used to not be so sure about this strange un-bearded man but now she loves being held by waa waa while he sings her some songs.
He is creating Narnia for queen Lucy in the backyard complete with stone statues and lamp-post.

Lucy got lots of lovely presents for Christmas. She likes walking with her trolley and playing her musical instruments which include a very loud horn. I hid it.
Despite the large amounts of amazing gifts, Lucy prefered the wrapping paper. Despite the fun of opening presents Lucy preferred to try open the presents under the tree on Christmas eve.
Granny and Waa waa have a dog named Molly. She is about 10 and has cataracts. She is a loveable mutt.
Lucy was very interested in Molly.
Molly was very wise and kept clear of the tail pulling baby.
Before Christmas we went to visit them. Lucy really loves her granny and waa waa.
Granny gives Lucy shortbread on arrival.
They have nice morning cuddles and granny sings to her. This calms Lucy down a lot.
Lucy enjoyed some tasty berries from granny and waa waas berry bush.
I think Lucy remembers her granny from when she was first born.
We had a pre-christmas Christmas with my family because we wouldn't get to see them on the 25th. Lucy didn't really take to the roast dinner but she enjoyed her great-nanas shortbread. I think it was the butter.
I'm not sure who they make those christmas cracker party hats for because ours almost fit Lucy and had no hope on the more boof-headed members of the family.
Lucy loves her waa waa.
She used to not be so sure about this strange un-bearded man but now she loves being held by waa waa while he sings her some songs.
He is creating Narnia for queen Lucy in the backyard complete with stone statues and lamp-post.
Lucy got lots of lovely presents for Christmas. She likes walking with her trolley and playing her musical instruments which include a very loud horn. I hid it.
Despite the large amounts of amazing gifts, Lucy prefered the wrapping paper. Despite the fun of opening presents Lucy preferred to try open the presents under the tree on Christmas eve.
Lucy was very interested in Molly.
Molly was very wise and kept clear of the tail pulling baby.
06 January 2012
2011 - I am filled with joy
2011 started with hot days. Hot pregnant days. I was uncomfortable, I had swollen feet, I was sweltering in the heat but I was so excited for the little one who was so nearly going to join our family. I spent the first few months of the year preparing. Preparing our home for a little baby, preparing my body to go through childbirth and preparing my heart to become that of a mother.
March rolled around and on the 29th we welcomed little Lucy one into our family. What joy.
Lucy's birth was hard. It was hard waiting a week for her to come. It was hard having her come too quickly and in distress. Recovering from a c-section is hard. Not being able to change my little girls first nappy because I can't get out of bed let alone stand up is hard.
But you know the thing about joy? You can feel it when things are hard. You can be joyful with tears pouring down your face. I am filled with joy because my little one is here and I am her mama.
The next few months I learnt how to live with and love a newborn. Marathon breastfeeds, explodapoos, night wakings, calming a crying baby, bathtime.
We took our little one along for the ride wherever we went. Movies, restaurants, music festivals. I look back at the photos and marvel at how small she was. It just came naturally. I think we forgot that you are "supposed" to keep your little one at home for months.
I am filled with joy when I think about all the people who gathered around us, helped us, prayed for us, gave us things and lifted us up with words of encouragement. How sweet it is to be loved by you all. Without those kind words and love, those early days would have been impossible.
When you become a mama you don't stop being a wife. I have seen my amazing husband become an amazing father and an even more amazing man. I am filled with joy when he picks his little girl up and she smiles into his face with his eyes. I am filled with joy when I lie exhausted on the bed and he picks up his screaming little girl and rocks her gently to sleep. I am filled with joy when we chat for hours about life, love, God, anything. I am filled with joy when we quarrel because I know that he loves me and our love is stronger than any little fight.
I am learning more about what it means to be not just a good wife, or an adequate wife but a wife of noble character. One who adds to the beauty and joy of her family. One who works hard but who is still filled to the brim with joy. Not a stepford wife who wraps on a happy face (this is not joy) but a real wife who, when faced with those hard moments perseveres, hopes, loves.
We've had our ups and our downs this year. I've been angry, lazy, sad, out of control, excited, overwhelmed, expectant, serene, happy, energetic. But most of all I am filled with joy for the Lord has been so good to me.
02 January 2012
stadium event was in Ulladulla. We arrived at the field as gusts were blowing.
But as we started setting up the winds died down. Praise God!
had a good day even though there were fewer players than usual.
Lucy has been a real trooper. She has recently developed a real dislike for having her nappy changed. She screams like she is in fear of her life but as soon as she sits up again she gives a big two-toothy smile.
She likes all the attention she gets. Being the only baby on team, she get's a lot.
The Stadium
Little One, I Know You Grow is coming at you from the south coast where we are taking a large inflatable orange soccer field around to some SUFM's. We've missed out on a few days but here is what we've been up to so far...
If you are in the area we'd love to see you.
In our first Stadium stop at Corrimal, we were greeted by
fine weather, a beautiful patch of grass and a very enthusiastic SUFM team.
What a way to start mission!
We had a wonderful first day playing soccer, greeting the
locals and helping the team to spread the Gospel. Our big orange soccer field
drew people from far and wide. Many of
the teenagers we chatted to were not from the caravan park but locals who,
without the stadium might not have got involved in the SUFM activities at all.
Our highs of the day were seeing the great way the Corrimal
team joyfully served one another and the people at their caravan park, having
our trip from Ulladulla to Corrimal go smoothly with our 2.4 ton load, playing
soccer with the under fives, our wonderful sunny yet cool breezy day and the
delicious dinner provided for us by the lovely Joy.
Lows were a very slow train ride, a sad baby in the bus (who
slept the whole way back) and a Frisbee to the shin. It was a pretty good day.
Our second Stadium event took us to Kioloa
and Bawley Point SUFM. We had a great day. We had a record number of 26 teams
going through the stadium. It was great to see the mass of SUFM members and how
they were all scattered amongst the crowd talking to the campers who had come.
We then visited the team at Ulladulla SUFM
for their water rocket afternoon. They are a mission with a different style.
They have a café and different tents where activities are run. We’ll come back
to them on the 2nd.
On New Years Eve we visited Lake Tabourie
for a morning stadium event. We were all on the bus at 7am to start our event
at 9 30. Luckily we had some lovely neighbours (many of which are related to
our team directors) who didn’t mind the tent peg hammering and large inflatable
orange soccer field being put up in their front yard. The event itself was
really popular. We held a round robin championship competition with a nail
biting grand final.
We brought in the new year together after a
delicious feast provided by the Chapple family and went home for a well
deserved rest.
New Years Day was a nice relax, a swim, a
trip to the cinema to see Tin Tin and church at St Martins Ulladulla.
We’d love you to pray for
The next few days as we get back into the
stadium routine after day off.
Energy in the heat.
That we would be bold with our conversations
about Jesus.
Ulladulla SUFM for our event tomorrow (2nd).
•Ulladulla SUFM
•Crookhaven Heads SUFM
•Sussex Innlet SUFM
•Conjola Entrance SUFM
•Gunnedah Inland
Look out for the giant orange soccer stadium and the red t-shirts.
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