Isn't he good looking?
31 December 2010
2010 - i am thankful
My year has held a lot of different things. Ups and downs. Blessings and trials.
Sitting here on the last day I am thankful.
Thankful for the chance to live and breathe.
Thankful for the chance to experience new things.
Thankful for the chance to share this year with so many wonderful people.
My year started out at Lennox Head SUFM. We counted down to the new year and then sung and danced around. My year has started this way for the last six years.
My brother, Myl and I went up to the gold coast for the 1st of Janurary. I'm not really sure why. We went to sizzler for lunch and Myl spent the night throwing up seafood salad.
It was a great mission. We saw God working in many ways. I was cooking but ended up getting the same or similar bug to Myl and was out of cooking action for the last few days.
My social work prac started on the 20th of Janurary. I was in a hospital. I was apprehensive but determined to learn more about social work and figure out what it really was all on about. It was a really eye opening experience. I learnt a lot about aged care and the social supports available to people but there was just something missing. The social workers were all burnt out to the point where it felt like they just didn't care anymore. The system seems like it it designed to be difficult and if a person is in need they have to ask for help it cannot be forced upon them.
It was a big adjustment. I had to wake up early (7am - early for me) work all day and then often go out at night to bible study etc.
Myl started bible college this year. It was something we had been thinking and praying about for ages so he applied and got in. He has loved being there and I have loved him loving it. He makes me so proud. He has all these wonderful friends, he is learning all these new things and everyday he seeks God's will for our lives.
As the semester drew to a close I was unsure of what to do next. I had been to see the Social Work Advisor who told me that because of the subjects I had done or not done so far I would have two and a half years left of study. I was already feeling a bit like social work wasn't the path I was supposed to go down and this was a bit of confusing information.
I drew up lists of what I was supposed to do with my life filled with crazy and not so crazy years. There was one particular plan that involved a baby that I was particularly fond of. It stuck in my head. It was what I wanted to do. But we don't always get what we want.
I knew that there was the possibility we wouldn't be able to have kids. Myl had some health issues as a baby and that was one of the side effects. We decided to explore it and he went to the doctor to find out. The doctor confirmed our suspicions and said we had about a 20% chance of getting pregnant. He told Myl that because we are young to just start trying and see what happens and come back in a year if nothing has happened.
Three months later we were at our church youth camp and found two pink lines on a stick.
I had already decided to not go back to uni for six months and re-asess at the end of that but then my plans were set. In 2011 I'm going to be a mama.
Youth camp was awesome.
In amongst all that we moved house to a bigger place. (such a blessing) We have an extra bedroom/study and lots more space. Just perfect for our little one.
My big brother got engaged around this time too. He got married a few weeks ago. They came back from their honeymoon just in time for Christmas. It is so nice seeing him married. It is so nice to have another sister.
I started nannying and helping out at church with kids ministry and have had such a ball this past six months.
Life feels much more relaxed. I wasn't out being career woman saving the big bucks (which has it's struggles) but it has been a really great six months. I had the time to spend with people and do all the things people wish they could do but can't because of work. I also got to help look after a family with a baby who is just about 9 months older than our little one.
Ahh yes the little one. The most life changing, awesome, amazingly wonderful news of the year. 2011 will bring her to us and we are looking forward to it so so much.
What a wonderful year 2010 has been. It will forever be etched in our memories as a year we learnt new things and started down a new path of life. It has been a year of massive changes and God has been with us every step of the way.
Sitting here on the last day I am thankful.
Thankful for the chance to live and breathe.
Thankful for the chance to experience new things.
Thankful for the chance to share this year with so many wonderful people.
My year started out at Lennox Head SUFM. We counted down to the new year and then sung and danced around. My year has started this way for the last six years.
My brother, Myl and I went up to the gold coast for the 1st of Janurary. I'm not really sure why. We went to sizzler for lunch and Myl spent the night throwing up seafood salad.
It was a great mission. We saw God working in many ways. I was cooking but ended up getting the same or similar bug to Myl and was out of cooking action for the last few days.
on my last day of prac |
It was a big adjustment. I had to wake up early (7am - early for me) work all day and then often go out at night to bible study etc.
old farts party |
As the semester drew to a close I was unsure of what to do next. I had been to see the Social Work Advisor who told me that because of the subjects I had done or not done so far I would have two and a half years left of study. I was already feeling a bit like social work wasn't the path I was supposed to go down and this was a bit of confusing information.
I drew up lists of what I was supposed to do with my life filled with crazy and not so crazy years. There was one particular plan that involved a baby that I was particularly fond of. It stuck in my head. It was what I wanted to do. But we don't always get what we want.
youth camp - a very excited Myl and Rin. |
Three months later we were at our church youth camp and found two pink lines on a stick.
I had already decided to not go back to uni for six months and re-asess at the end of that but then my plans were set. In 2011 I'm going to be a mama.
Youth camp was awesome.
My big brother got engaged around this time too. He got married a few weeks ago. They came back from their honeymoon just in time for Christmas. It is so nice seeing him married. It is so nice to have another sister.
I started nannying and helping out at church with kids ministry and have had such a ball this past six months.
Life feels much more relaxed. I wasn't out being career woman saving the big bucks (which has it's struggles) but it has been a really great six months. I had the time to spend with people and do all the things people wish they could do but can't because of work. I also got to help look after a family with a baby who is just about 9 months older than our little one.
Ahh yes the little one. The most life changing, awesome, amazingly wonderful news of the year. 2011 will bring her to us and we are looking forward to it so so much.
What a wonderful year 2010 has been. It will forever be etched in our memories as a year we learnt new things and started down a new path of life. It has been a year of massive changes and God has been with us every step of the way.
30 December 2010
29 December 2010
Dear little one...
It was your first Christmas on Saturday.
Did you enjoy all the tasty treats
flavouring your amniotic fluid?
We got you a special christmas
present. You will be able to wear it
when you come out to see us.
I think you will like Christmas next
year. You will be able to crawl
around and play in the wrapping
paper. You will even get to taste the
dinner by yourself.
love you lots
love mama
Did you enjoy all the tasty treats
flavouring your amniotic fluid?
We got you a special christmas
present. You will be able to wear it
when you come out to see us.
I think you will like Christmas next
year. You will be able to crawl
around and play in the wrapping
paper. You will even get to taste the
dinner by yourself.
love you lots
love mama
How far along? 28 weeks
Baby’s Size: 38cm and 1.2kg
Maternity Clothes: got some nice new things for Christmas. Still managing to steer clear of the "maternity" items.
Belly Button: After some Christmas food it was particularly flat.
Gender: little lady.
Movement: Mostly movements and a few kicks. I can feel her much more regularly and she is responding to my voice. She likes it when I sing to her.
Sleep: Great! A few weird dreams involving babies that turn into ducks in the freezer but nothing scary.
Symptoms: Heartburn still. It's not too bad and infrequent. I'm starting to walk a bit differently and feeling tired more often. Bring on the siesta!
Best Moments this week: Baby's first Christmas. Imagining our little girl this time next year at nine months old!
Food Aversions: Couldn't have the Christmas prawns or Camembert or Egg Nog.
Food Cravings: Really loving fruit and yogurt and tea! When I drink tea it makes me feel so happy inside.
What I miss: Being able to play hide and seek.
What I am Looking forward to: Bringing in the new year and knowing this is the year our baby will be born.
Milestones: Ok so apparently THIS is the third trimester. Whatever. I'm there.
Awesome fact about little one: She is starting to store her own iron in her liver. This is so that she has enough till she starts eating
27 December 2010
the twenty-fifth
I had a lovely Christmas day.
It started at church at 11pm for the midnight Christmas service. I was reminded that our saviour came as a little baby just like the one in my belly.
The next morning we had church again. We're keen.
We had nine people for Christmas in our little apartment.
After that it was lunch and presents time. I'm not really sure why we give presents at christmas but it sure is nice. I got some really lovely things.
My favourite part of Christmas is cooking. I thought the camera had run out of battery so I only have one photo of the cooking and none of the rest of the day.
I made a roast chicken, cauliflower cheese and sweet potato. My mum made a roast pork, roast vegis and apple sauce. Dessert was cassata ball, trifle, choc-peppermint mousse and mum's famous fruit cake.
I was pretty full by the end. Sooo tasty!
We ate under some shade in our backyard. We had afternoon naps. We went for a walk round Glebe point. It was a really warm day but not so warm that it was unpleasant.
I <3 Christmas.
It started at church at 11pm for the midnight Christmas service. I was reminded that our saviour came as a little baby just like the one in my belly.
The next morning we had church again. We're keen.
We had nine people for Christmas in our little apartment.
After that it was lunch and presents time. I'm not really sure why we give presents at christmas but it sure is nice. I got some really lovely things.
My favourite part of Christmas is cooking. I thought the camera had run out of battery so I only have one photo of the cooking and none of the rest of the day.
I made a roast chicken, cauliflower cheese and sweet potato. My mum made a roast pork, roast vegis and apple sauce. Dessert was cassata ball, trifle, choc-peppermint mousse and mum's famous fruit cake.
I was pretty full by the end. Sooo tasty!
We ate under some shade in our backyard. We had afternoon naps. We went for a walk round Glebe point. It was a really warm day but not so warm that it was unpleasant.
I <3 Christmas.
very late and taken by myself. myl was working all week. :( they were taken at 27 weeks though.
How far along? 27 weeks
Baby’s Size: 37cm and 1.1kg
Maternity Clothes: Still managing with regular clothes and my stretchy shorts.
Belly Button: Keeping flat
Gender: girl!
Movement: She has turned into a morning person. Heaven forbid! I can now feel her moving as well as kicking. It's still tricky to figure out which part of her is moving around.
Sleep: It's getting tricky to roll over without felling I need the use of a crane but otherwise sleep is great!
Symptoms: Heartburn is back with a vengeance. Bit of the ole preggo brain going on too. Not really pregnancy related but I've had the most horrible cough this week. One of those really yucky hacking ones.
Best Moments this week: Playing the I poke you and you poke me back game with the little one.
Food Aversions: There were the most humongous mega prawns at a Christmas party yesterday and I wasn't allowed to eat them :(
Food Cravings: Not really.
What I miss: Being able to bend over and sit on the ground properly.
What I am Looking forward to: Christmas!
Milestones: People have started saying "Oh You're having a baby!" Just people in shops and in the streets. It's nice to be out of the awkward "is she pregnant or just had too much Christmas food stage."
Awesome fact about little one: If she were to be born today, our little girl would have an 85% chance of survival. Pretty amazing but stay in there little one!
25 December 2010
24 December 2010
Sufjan's Christmas
I just love Sufjan Stevens.
His Christmas album has been on repeat every christmas (and often in between) since I got it.
This Christmas he has put out a new Christmas album.
You can't buy it yet but you can listen to the whole thing right here on my blog!
Hooray. There are some great tracks on there. I especially like the Carol of Benjamin the Bearded.
Sufjan Stevens - Gloria! Songs for Christmas, Vol. 6 by rawkblog
His Christmas album has been on repeat every christmas (and often in between) since I got it.
This Christmas he has put out a new Christmas album.
You can't buy it yet but you can listen to the whole thing right here on my blog!
Hooray. There are some great tracks on there. I especially like the Carol of Benjamin the Bearded.
Sufjan Stevens - Gloria! Songs for Christmas, Vol. 6 by rawkblog
23 December 2010
aden + anais
They make beautiful swaddling blankets out of muslin as well as sleeping bags, washcloths and bibs.
I was sent a set of four 100% cotton swaddles in a pattern called princess posie. The patterns are absolutely gorgeous and they feel so soft! I cant wait to wrap up my little one in them. She will look so sweet!
The great thing about muslin is that it is super breathable and the swaddles carry the CJ Foundation for SIDS tag meaning they are not only beautiful and soft but safe for little ones too.
At 120cm square they are also a fantastic size. I can use them for swaddling, nursing, covering the stroller or for when the little one has a play on the floor.
Did I mention they are really really pretty?
Check out the aden + anias website. They have some really lovely stuff.
22 December 2010
Cook That Craving: Nachos
I'm sure I was craving nachos at some stage.
Here's how to cook.
500g mince
tin tomatoes
tin kidney beans
sweet chilli sauce
packet of corn chips
sour cream
Fry the onion till browned. Add mince and cook till brown. Add 1tsp paprika and cumin to mince.
When brown add tomatoes and beans. Stir till bubling. Add a swoosh of sweet chilli sauce. Simmer for 5 mins.
On a tray place half of the corn chips. Pour half of the mince on top and then add some cheese. Then put the rest of the chips on top, the rest of the mince and the rest of the cheese.
Put in the oven for 15 mins to melt the cheese and crisp the chips.
Serve with tomatoes, cucumber and lashings of sour cream and avocado. Yum!
20 December 2010
sew no!
I like to think of myself as being pretty crafty.
But I'm finding this project a bit of a trick.
Maybe it's that I'm trying to sew at 11pm or maybe it's the stretchy fabric.
I'm trying to make project B out of the green and white striped fabric. There is binding involved. I've never done that before.
Sorry baby. Mama needs grandma to help.
Come thou long expected Jesus
Image Credit- |
A fantastic book to read to prepare your heart and mind for Christmas is "Come thou long-expected Jesus." It's a series of sermons preached about Christmas over time. There are some old ones like one from Martin Luther and newer ones such as John Piper and Joni Eareckson-Tada.
It's really great to focus your mind on God in a time that goes a bit present crazy. There are some really great insights on the different parts of the Christmas story. There is a reading for just about the 24 days of advent. I wish I were disciplined to read one a day but alas I am not. I really enjoy sitting down and reading one with Myles every now and then though.
On some other Christmassy notes.
Here is my tree for the year. I like to go for the non-traditional tree.
Kinda looks a bit like a scary spider. Oh well.
Here are the Christmas cards I made this year... well I'm still making them. And then I'll send them. They should arrive before Christmas.
PS. I made a facebook group to see who is reading my blog. Go ahead and like it. :)
17 December 2010
Sling it baby!
I'm a bit of a fan of the old baby wear.
By the time the little one comes along it should be getting cooler so it will be lovely to have all day cuddles.
There are so many ways to go about wearing your baby.
Backpack Carriers
A particular style of wrap that can be purchased in ready stitched position. The Mei Tai is one of these.
Good for your back
looks nice
Can be used on front or back
Liked by Dads
Can be used on front or back
Liked by Dads
Expensive (in ready made)
not as versatile
not as versatile
One long piece of cloth tied in an amazing way to keep baby in place.
Uses your whole back good support
No buckles or fastners
One size fits all
May be tricky to figure out how to tie.
Baby Bjorn
Ergonomic and high tech baby carrier.
Specially designed to be good for your back.
Fancy pants brand
Easy to fasten
totally hands free
More fancy pants less earthy mama
Need to make sure baby's neck is supported.
Baby Bjorn(image)
Specially designed to be good for your back.
Fancy pants brand
Easy to fasten
totally hands free
More fancy pants less earthy mama
Need to make sure baby's neck is supported.
Baby Bjorn(image)
Ring Sling
A big piece of cloth with a ring in one end.
Easy to put on and wear.
Looks pretty
Handy for breastfeeding
Can't use it when baby gets too big
Baby is able to wriggle round more
Which one is your favourite?
Do you use a sling?
I'd love to hear some thoughts.
16 December 2010
I've got no class.
Parenting and Childbirth class that is. I've had the sheet of available classes for such a long time but never really got around to calling the number.
About two weeks ago I called. It went straight to the answering machine.
Two weeks later nobody has called back.
So I called again. Answering machine.
Am I calling at the wrong time?
Hopefully we can get some classes before March. Whoever heard of taking your baby to preparation for childbirth class?
Other things on my seemingly endless to do list.
- Book a bed at the Maternity Ward. (Not too worried about this one as I want to go straight home.)
- Book a 34 week ultrasound. Got the answering machine.
- Have a blood test before Christmas.
- Fold large pile of clean laundry so that I can...
- Clear a space for the cot in our bedroom so that I can...
- Build the cot so that I can...
- Get a mattress/sheets etc for the cot.
- Clean out the study to make nursery area.
- Set up nappy change table
- Wash all the baby clothes
- Take a trip to ikea to get baby things. My list so far is under $100!
Granted a lot of this stuff can get done later. I've got till March after all!
15 December 2010
Dear little one
It's almost Christmas time.
It's getting so so hot and
you are my little christmas
hot water bottle. I have to
stay in the shade and drink
lots of cold drinks.
You are worth it.
I'm looking forward to next
Christmas. You will be nine
months old. I will get to wrap
up some presents for you and
you will get to play with
the wrapping paper.
I wonder if we will have some
nice Christmas traditions you
and I. We have been listening
to Handel's messiah together.
Maybe we can do that every
love mama
It's getting so so hot and
you are my little christmas
hot water bottle. I have to
stay in the shade and drink
lots of cold drinks.
You are worth it.
I'm looking forward to next
Christmas. You will be nine
months old. I will get to wrap
up some presents for you and
you will get to play with
the wrapping paper.
I wonder if we will have some
nice Christmas traditions you
and I. We have been listening
to Handel's messiah together.
Maybe we can do that every
love mama
14 December 2010
How far along? 26 weeks
Baby’s Size:35cm and 950g
Maternity Clothes: I fit into the dress I bought for my brothers wedding a few months ago! Hooray.
Belly Button: An outini.
Gender: my little girl.
Movement: Pretty regular in the morning when I wake up then from about 3pm on. She has been kicking all kinds of peoples hands including her great grandmother. I was playing guitar at church and she kicked the guitar where it rested on my belly.
Sleep: Less bad dreams after before sleeping prayer.
Symptoms: Really feeling this heat.
Best Moments this week: My brothers wedding. People getting excited about my bump and wanting to touch it.
Food Aversions: No.
Food Cravings: Not really this week. I like ice cream but it is pretty hot.
What I miss: holidays
What I am Looking forward to: holidays
Milestones: I'm not really sure when the third trimester starts. Is it now or last week or next. All my books and things are saying different weeks.
Awesome fact about little one: Babies can recognise different sounds and voices really well now. Soft pretty noises make them happy. Rap and metal make them run away.
13 December 2010
wedding bells
My brother got married on the weekend. It was really lovely.
The wedding was in a church down the road from where they first met and the reception was on Sydney harbour on a cruise boat.
It's so nice to see my brother in love and declaring his love to his beautiful new wife. It makes me happy to see him so happy.
It's fantastic to have a new sister. I'm looking forward to them coming back from their honeymoon.

10 December 2010
epic fail + epic love
I like to blog about happy things. I like to blog about the fun and exciting things that happen to me. About the wonderful things that come with being alive and having a new little life inside of me.
Most weeks are happy. I feel like I give this impression of a woman all together. Completely content with whatever life throws her way.
This week was not a happy week. Sure I did some pretty fun things. But it has not been a happy week. I wish I had a little time machine that could take me back to Monday so I could start again. Or just spend the week hiding under my sheets.
This week I was lazy, angry, emotional, distressed, forgetful, dishonest.
This week I lost my phone, lost an important key, lost my temper, lost my confidence.
This week I had some terrible dreams, heard a friend is moving away, broke the toilet, made iced tea with no ice, was barked at by a scary dog, didn't finish writing the Christmas play, almost crashed into someone and stood up a friend.
This week I feel like a bit of a screw up.
But that's ok. Cos I am. And I'm still loved.
My epic failures are nothing compared to the epic love of God.
When I have it all together it's easy to forget about the greatness of this love. I get comfortable in my little bubble. I've played the tune before. But when I screw it all up I look to Him. I long for Him and I long for a time when all my anger, frustration and inadequacy will be taken away.
I still feel lousy about this week. Being loved doesn't make it any less a terrible week. Being loved doesn't mean weeks like this wont happen again. But what I do know is that I don't need to fear weeks like this. The world will not crumble because I was forgetful. The world will not end because I went stomping out of a room. The world will not fall apart because I did.
It's not enough to just focus on the good and try and forget the bad because it's the bad things that happen to us that make us understand so much about life. It's those moments where you cry and cry where you can find pure joy. Joy that even though it is so impossibly hard to understand why things are going so badly we have a God who is mighty and powerful. A God who came right down to where we are and went through that sadness we are feeling.
At Christmas we remember that God became lowest of the low born next to animals and laid in a feeding trough. Visited by shepherds he was the son of an unwed woman.
This is our God who shares with us in our sorrow. Who walks with us in our pain. Who died for us in our inadequacy.
Yes, I had a bad week. It was really hard. But I am loved.
09 December 2010
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