How far along? 19 weeks
Baby’s Size: 22 cm long and 340 grams.
Total Weight Gain: 3 kilos. Starting to put that baby fat on!
Maternity Clothes: not exclusively
Gender: Mum knows, paper knows.
Movement: Yes! Feeling some little squirms and wiggles. Mostly before bed or when I'm really still.
Sleep: Tricky when I have to breathe through my mouth. Silly flu. Note the heavy black bags under my eyes.
Symptoms: Irritability.. wait is that just me?
Best Moments this week: Tuesdays photo shoot and jiggly baby.
Food Aversions: nah
Food Cravings: Just food in general. It seems like I'm always hungry.
What I miss: sleeping on my belly.
What I am Looking forward to: finding out that gender!
Milestones: Baby has been checked up and is all fine! Thankyou God.
Awesome fact about little one: Baby can hear and respond to noise.