How far along? 20 weeks. Halfway through.
Baby’s Size: 24 cm long and 420 grams.
Total Weight Gain:
Maternity Clothes: Finding suitable bottoms challenging on days when I can't wear a dress. Thank goodness for my stretchy jeans.
Belly Button: Still an innie but round as a coin.
Gender: ? ? ? Finding out on the 27th
Movement: Quite a bit. Its very soft and gentle though. This one's not a fighter.
Sleep: Quite good. Had a scary labour dream last night where they were forcing all these drugs on me.
Symptoms: Getting a bigger belly.
Best Moments this week: Playing the guitar at church and realising that it feels really funny to have a guitar in front. Also feeling bobbi dance when I played.
Food Aversions: nope.
Food Cravings: Had a crazy craving for nachos the other day. Didn't get them :(
What I miss: wearing tight(er) fitting skirts and shorts.
What I am Looking forward to: sewing some more things for little.
Milestones: halfway through. It feels like it has gone so quickly for me and slowly for Myl. They say the next half goes even quicker. Yikes!!!
Awesome fact about little one: Bobbi has fingerprints and fingernails fully grown. No scratching!

I can't believe you're at the halfway mark already! Happy 20 weeks :) Only four more weeks until viability!
how exciting!!!! half way through, as much as it feels that it's going goes really fast from here. You're a beautiful momma!
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