How far along? 23 weeks
Baby’s Size: 28cm and 600g
Maternity Clothes: I can still wear most of my usual clothes. Except for jeans, shorts and skirts.
Belly Button: Flipable
Gender: Finding out on Saturday!! Spent the weekend with the two people that know and am now very confused. They are very good secret keepers.
Movement: Little one gets performance anxiety. Every time I say "Come feel my belly everyone the baby is moving," the little kicks stop.
Sleep: Vivid and strange dreams. Not really about babies but strange nonetheless. Its also getting harder to stay upright on my side. I have to lean on Myl.
Symptoms: I had two small bouts of nausea this week. They didn't turn into vomits which was pleasant but yucky all the same.
Best Moments this week: Going to Bathurst to visit my mum and dad.
Food Aversions: I'm now so wary of leftovers. One nausea bout was after eating frozen then reheated leftovers.
Food Cravings: I had two apple turnovers this week... with cream. Yikes!
What I miss: sleeping on my belly.
What I am Looking forward to: I have made a list of baby ikea things. It will be fun to go get them.
Also Uncle Ben is coming to live with us this week till he gets married.
Milestones: I'm still pretty fascinated by the fact that if this baby was born now it's not impossible for it to survive. It makes me marvel at modern medicine. But stay in there little one!
Awesome fact about little one: Baby starts to noticeably hiccup (haven't felt this yet) Some women like to belly dance at this stage during pregnancy. This helps them learn how to rock that baby outta there.

You look beautiful! Pregnancy suits you.
And I'm jealous- I {love} IKEA but the closest one to us is over 4 hours away, and they don't ship :( Boo!
PS- I can't WAIT to hear what you're having!!
Thanks Jess. I just LOVE being pregnant. I think it will be nice when the baby comes out but it is such an awesome time having him inside.
I can't wait either!!! 4 sleeps!
Use pillows to keep yourself upright, I used to sleep on my side with one behind my back, one under my belly and one between my knees. Sometimes I'd wake up to find my back pillow gone, Stuart used to grab it in his sleep and hug it :-)
i can't wait to see if your little one is a boy or girl!
you look great!
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