This little one is not even out of the womb yet and already she has so much stuff.
There is a fantastic article here about the five "essential" baby items that are not so essential. It's a fantastic read and has really made me think about what the little one needs vs what I see in the shop and swoon over. I don't think there is anything particularly wrong with having things for your baby but on a tight(ish) budget it's good to look at what is actually necessary.
So far I have gotten a bit of baby stuff. I have a fantastic list given to me by a friend of all the good to have baby things, their average cost and good brands/features to look out for.
Here is what I do have.
- Cot. It's wooden and was given to us.
- Blankets. A few different ones. Cotton, wool.
- Wraps. aden + anias, muslin, cotton.
- Burpy towells x5. Ikea 99c.
- On loan one Mei Tai and one fabric wrap.
- Baby bath. From ikea.
- Change table and mat. Using a desk with a mat on top.
- Baby bag. Made by my mum.
- Car restraint.
Here's what I don't have
- Cot mattress. I threw out the one that came with the cot as it was a bit stained and I was told it's best not to use a second hand one. Need to measure cot and buy.
- Sheets, mattress protector etc.
- Pram. Going with the Maclaren Vogue. Just have to buy it.
- Nappies. Disposable for the newborn stage then cloth.
- Nappy bucket. With lid.
- Breast pads. yes.
- Bath products. Natural and chemical free. Both for at home and for nappy bag.
- Rocker. I loved mine as a baby. Keeps baby occupied while I am in the shower etc.
- Porta cot. We do go away quite a lot.
Here's what I have but no doubt need more of.
- Baby clothes. Size 000 for newborn and 00 for a bit older.
- Books. All the classics.
- Toys. I'm gathering a pile of handmade softies.
All I really need at the moment is the cot finished and the car seat installed. If the little one comes early we just need to be able to take her home and give her somewhere to sleep. Seven weeks to go. I can do it.
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