On Tuesday we are having an ultrasound. We get to look at the little one again.
This time there will be less rubber ducky and more cute baby hands and faces
and bellies.
I'm thrilled to bits.
My mum is coming down in the morning and we are going to spend some time together
and then the US is at 2pm at the hospital. My mum is super excited. Maybe it's something to do with her first grandbaby and all. She sees babies born all the time at work but this is one she gets to cuddle and love forever... I'm actually a bit worried she may steal the little tacker after the birth.
I have been told that the hospital is terrible at keeping appointment times.
This makes me worry a small bit. My appointment was 45 mins late at the birth centre.
I'm sure it will be all fine. I may have to take a drink bottle (If you know what I mean)
this is the ultrasound where they can tell if its a little bobby boy or sweetie pie girl.
Yes we are going to find out... most likely.
I'm now having doubts about finding out.
Is it better to find out or have a surprise? What did you do? Are you happy with your decision?
If we do find out we are going to have an "it's a" party in the park when Myl finishes his exams. We will let the whole world know on that day and there will be sweet treats and prizes and lots of fun.
For all we know the little one might decide to be modest and we wont be able to find out anyway.
Problem solved.
Image credit; Flickr kirakirahoshi
How exciting! I've had wayyy more ultrasounds than the average pregnant woman and let me tell you... it NEVER gets old! It's amazing to be able to actually SEE the little being, your future child, kicking and moving inside of you :)
We wanted to find out immediately. At our first ultrasound. Elliot, however, had other ideas. He managed to illude us at two ultrasounds in a row before we finally found out. At that point, I was FINALLY starting to come to terms with the fact that maybe, just maybe, this baby was going to be a surprise.
But to be honest, I'm SO GLAD we finally know now. I know a lot of people like the surprise but... I like being able to bond better. Finally knowing your child's sex and being able to call him/her by a name or just ONE pronoun makes everything so much more real. And of course, it makes it easier to prepare. Because, although I'm buying a lot of unisex (green) things for the nursery, there isn't a whole lot in the way of unisex clothes over here in the states.
Do what your heart tells you. But either way, I can't wait to hear how it goes!
we found out because there was NO way I could go the whole pegnancy and not know! I'm a huge planner and I wanted a gender specific nursery, so we found out. I am so glad that we did because we got some great gifts that had his name on it!
I know a lot of people that didn't find out and they loved that they didn't (drove me nuts because I wanted to know so bad!). Do whatever feels right for you!
can't wait to hear what you decide...especially if you do find out!
Oh Erin. I wish so much I could be in Australia celebrating all this with you and being a part of it. I love checking in with your blog every now and again to see how things are going. I am so excited for you and Myles and can't wait to buy that baby - no matter what the gender - some wicked gifts. xo
I am a first time mom, too-- but I am SO glad that we found out our baby's sex. It has made me all the more attached to her. When I talk to her, I can actually call her by name-- which I love! I think I would have lost my mind if I didn't know! : ) But that's just me...
Have a wonderful dr. appointment! Let us know how little one is doing!!! : )
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