Baby’s Size
Where she is: Head down and still only 4/5 engaged. She has been at this stage since 33 weeks. She needs to get to 0/5.
Feeling: More energetic but in spurts. I have to sit down a lot. I'm getting really excited and feeling less nervous about labour. I'm saying it's going to be fun.
Update: Since writing this I went to my midwife appointment and there had really high blood pressure 140/90. The midwife got me to wait and have it checked again. I needed to move the car from the 20min spot I had it in so for the next hour or so I ran/drove around getting change for the all day parking zone, realising the zone was full, trying to find a spot on the busy street, going back to the parking zone, getting crazy flustered and bursting into tears in the car, trying to breathe and calm down because "HECK I'm pregnant and have high blood pressure." Driving back to the 20 min zone, illegally parking and going back to the birth centre. And you will never guess but my blood pressure was 130/80 Not heaps low but not a worry. I was doing a lot of praying as I drove around. It pretty much worked. ;)
Belly Button: flat and dark. I wonder what it will look like when my belly goes back.
Gender: girl
Movement: She's moving but not very far. I keep feeling little feet and hands and bottoms poking out everywhere.
Sleep: Pretty good. I've only been waking once and having nice sleep ins. Sometimes it's tricky to get to sleep cos I sit staring at our little girls empty cot getting excited.
Symptoms: heartburn and very swollen feet and hands. We have had a few cooler days which stops the itching and swelling but I can go for a five minute walk and have feet that burst out of my Birkenstocks.
Gender: girl
Movement: She's moving but not very far. I keep feeling little feet and hands and bottoms poking out everywhere.
Sleep: Pretty good. I've only been waking once and having nice sleep ins. Sometimes it's tricky to get to sleep cos I sit staring at our little girls empty cot getting excited.
Symptoms: heartburn and very swollen feet and hands. We have had a few cooler days which stops the itching and swelling but I can go for a five minute walk and have feet that burst out of my Birkenstocks.
Labour Signs: Felt like I was going to vomit yesterday. I hate vomiting so I stopped myself but apparently this is a baby coming soon sign. (I think it might be a baby coming either today or the next few weeks sign so not really all that telltale.) Some of the little ones movements I have realised may have actually been Braxton Hicks contractions. My belly gets all tight at the top for a bit. I thought it was just her poking around. Who knows?
Best Moments this week: The thought that has been in my mind the whole time that she really can come at any moment!
Best Moments this week: The thought that has been in my mind the whole time that she really can come at any moment!
Food Aversions: no but I have been coughing a lot when I eat. As if the food is going down the wrong hole.
Food Cravings: Haven't really had a huge appetite. I'm eating loads of fruit.
What I miss: My mama. I get to see her this weekend!
What I am Looking forward to: Baby shower on the weekend. If you are reading this and would like to come let me know and I'll tell you the deets.Food Cravings: Haven't really had a huge appetite. I'm eating loads of fruit.
What I miss: My mama. I get to see her this weekend!
Milestones: Full term. There are no more milestones other than baby in arms stone.
number 93! Thanks for the votes. Keep clicking.

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